design justice logoCall for writing & other zine submissions:
The Design Justice Network AMC planning team is looking for people to contribute material to the third issue of the Design Justice zine, to be published for this year’s Allied Media Conference. This is a chance to contribute design justice content that is: relevant to a session you may be presenting, related to work you are exhibiting, reflective of your experience, or creative/fictional. Besides writing, we would also be interested in photo essays, comics/illustrations, and tool kits. The Zines will be sold at the AMC as a way to fundraise for the network. For more information about design justice, please visit

If you are interested in contributing, your materials must be submitted by May 25th, 2017.

Please upload your files to this google drive:

Questions? Email:

#DesignJustice #AMC2017 #SocialJustice #Design


You can see the callout online by checking out the Design Justice Website by clicking Here.